Site has been hacked - I'm working to rectify the situation and will get things back to normal ASAP. Thanks for your patience!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Please Stand By
Site has been hacked - I'm working to rectify the situation and will get things back to normal ASAP. Thanks for your patience!
Twitter Follow of the Week 4/28
Twitter: @THON
Name: Penn State Dance Marathon
Bio: THON is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world! It’s a year-long effort that raises funds and awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer.
Followers: 4,529+ you!
Why Follow? THON is more than what the average person thinks of upon hearing the phrase "dance marathon." Great organization with a Twitter feed that is managed by current Penn State student. Provides good insight into how current students - and their generation - is using social media for campaign awareness. A big gain for @THON was when Klohe Kardashian put her support behind THON.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
social media tools @ oneforty
For those using Twitter and not familiar with - you should visit the site that currently has "2759 Twitter tools that make Twitter more useful for your business, career or life." Though the root of is in Twitter, it also has tools that are useful with blogging, Facebook, URL shortening, etc.
The tools are given ratings and reviews from users, which provide helpful insight into what may fit your needs. The site also provides you the ability to search for what fits your needs. As a taste of what provides, here are some of the highlighted tools from various categories:
Tweet De user rating: 4.0/5.0 stars user rating: 4.5/5.0 stars user rating: 4.5/5.0 stars
Check out these and 2756 other tools @
Sunday, April 25, 2010
See What People "Like" & new Facebook tools
And then the Facebook plugin version:
The advantage to the latter is that it is concise and you can tailor it to a specific URL, as the example is tailored to The More Donors Blog. The advantage to the former is that you can look across various sites quickly at one site, without having to create any code or install it into a format for viewing.
Other new / more useful tools:
- Add the Like Button to your pages
- Create a Facebook "Like Box" (used to be a "Fan Box")
- The Live Stream Box - great potential for NPOs! As Facebook puts it: " best when you are running a real-time event, like live streaming video for concerts, speeches, or webcasts, live Web chats, webinars, massively multiplayer games." This ties in well to the post on using videoconferencing to bring experts to your constituents and take stakeholders on a virtual field trip - add the Live Stream Box and get instant feedback!
- A Recommendation Box - you'll now see in the upper right corner of The More Donors Blog.
Enjoy these tools and share your success using them!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Through Non-Profit Eyes... again.
Every week summarizes their stories and blogs of the week on social-media resources. As a corresponding resource for the non-profit world, I take it each week and share some of the applicable tools through a pair of non-profit spectacles. You can see Week of 4/18, part I here.
1) This week, one topic is 9 Ways to Do Good with 5 Minutes or 25 Dollars. The examples are mostly for international aid operations such as Kiva, Deki and Free Rice, where the concept is more challenging to duplicate for other non-profits. One example, though, seemed applicable for everyone. I had not spent much time exploring SocialVibe previously, but this video intrigued me and led me to explore it further. Check it out:
SocialVibe connects your online networks and preferences to give you an easy way to support your cause-of-choice. I think you'll see some familiar causes on the page. Such as...
@charitywater and USA Today winner @TWLOHA are both right there on the front page.
2) 4 Tips for Tapping Into Twitter Conversations
- Anticipate Conversations - Last week is a great example... Did you know National Volunteer Week was coming? Did you have a strategic plan for engaging, recruiting and/or thanking volunteers? Do you have November 15th circled well in advance on your marketing plan? (It's National Philanthropy Day) As pertinent laws, public debates, events and trends are on the horizon, are you ready to get on Twitter and say what you need to in order to make your case relevant and compelling?
- Don't Just Post - Engage - I hope this is a truth we know as self-evident in the social media world, but sadly that is not the case for many. Notice who is tweeting about you, reply to DMs (when appropriate), identify the key influential followers of your account/cause and directly engage them. Treat them like you would a potential future board member (which they may be!).
- Move Fast - All you have to do is look at the #AmericaWants Twitter campaign to realize the impact moving fast can have. As Jamie Tworkowski, founder of To Write Love On Her Arms (@TWOLHA), told USA Today last week - ...his team discovered the contest pretty much right when it launched on April 13. "A few of us were awake and knew we had to jump on it," said Jamie. "We tweeted right away, got something up on the website, and started making noise." There is not a shortage of examples where urgency can make a difference in a NPOs campaign. Haiti, Chile and other such disasters illustrate that urgency mixed with a nimble NPO can result in significant giving.
- Be Relevant - Easily one of the most common mistakes I have seen NPOs make on Twitter and Facebook is ignoring this advice. Rather than engaging and being "human" the accounts are used as a press-release machine with 0% personality; a one-way communication that fails to add value to the larger conversation. If you provide insight and personality, your audience will be more inclined to pay attention to you and your cause in the future.
- Connect with Experts - No matter what kind of NPO you are - Education, Religion, Environment, Health... and on and on - there are experts in your field. Ideally they are on your staff or partnered with your org, but you can connect your constituents with the experts easily via one of these videoconferencing options. Put the researcher in front of your donors and illustrate the difference she is making. Put a child sleeping in under a mosquito net in front of potential donors half-a-world away.
- Virtual Field Trips - This is very closely tied to the previous bullet point. However, rather than just bringing an expert to the computer screen, you can illustrate a cause, need or success story. Habitat-for-Humanity can take a virtual field trip to a completed house and show those who helped build the abode just how the family appreciates the volunteerism (and the decorations!). PETA can take you to the Canadian coast and show brutal seal hunting.
- Working Together - The example Mashable gives here is of two classrooms working on a school project together. Now imagine that instead of two classrooms it is two NPOs. We often stay within our silo and avoid working with other NPOs. What if the phone programs for soliciting alumni at the University of Florida, Boston University and Texas A&M brought student managers together to share best practice via video once per month? Each could share a challenge and get support from the other institutions while building a professional network. Why shouldn't multiple chapters of the American Diabetes Association meet via video to brainstorm event and fundraising initiatives? A successful community organization in London, UK could meet with on in London, ON to share tips.
- Assessing Previously Unavailable Courses - If you are fortunate to have volunteers and donors that are outside of your local area, you can provide fundraising and event training via video. This limits the resources you must dedicate to training and keeps your travel budget down (hopefully!).
- Teaching the Teachers - I return to the first point about connecting with experts. These experts, conversely are connecting with your constituents. This connection can help the researchers, doctors, organizers, leaders and other experts better understand what challenges you have when fundraising ... a lesson that can be valuable to your internal relationships.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Through Non-Profit Eyes: Mashable's weekly social-media summary
Every week summarizes their stories and blogs of the week on social-media news & tools. As a resource for the non-profit world, I take it each week and share some of the applicable tools through a pair of non-profit spectacles.
...changes to Facebook — the introduction of the web-wide “Like” button, the death of Facebook Connect...I cite these simply as a word of caution to those depending on external sources for their non-profit marketing efforts - don't get me wrong... you should be on Facebook, Twitter, etc. ...but you have to operate in a manner that is nimble and understanding. Facebook is not beholden to you, no matter how many "We won't pay for Facebook" and "Bring back the Become a Fan button" groups or pages there are.
Some were bemoaning these changes because of time or thoughts invested in "Become a Fan" marketing campaigns or the tech work to introduce Facebook Connect to websites. But as I mention in my presentations on social-media, you have to work with caution and the understanding that your platform could be gone tomorrow. Case-in-point... Remember about two years ago when everyone was scrambling to be the best non-profits on MySpace? Hmm... MySpace is not gone, but it is certainly not where most thought it would be at that time.
How do you address this? For one thing, do not subscribe to anyone's (even your manager's) point-of-view that social media is a "silver bullet" for your marketing efforts. Much like some in upper-management proclaimed that email would solve everything circa 1995, some do so with social-media. They are all helpful tools, but they cannot exist alone.
Additionally, if you have the resources to do so, have a team that provides input on your social-media strategy. This can be internal staff, external stakeholders or a combination. This will make it less stressful when strategies need to be adjusted.
Finally, use links within Facebook, Twitter and other channels that redirect constituents to the pages you control at - the more you have control over the less impact changes in the platforms will have on your organization.
Other useful links from the week in Mashable:
Top 10 YouTube Tips for Small Businesses
Why Retention Should Be Your Top Priority in Social Media Marketing (This one we will tackle from a non-profit point-of-view soon)
Also, if you did not see last week's Through Non-Profit Eyes - check it out here. Lots of useful information!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
#AmericaWants Top 100 gets own ad in USA Today
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Grading #AmericaWants on the Curve

But who did the most with what they had?
TWLOHA has over 77,000 followers on Twitter.
JJ's List has 377.
charity:water has 1,314,766.
It is fair to say that the organizations started the competition with different "tweetable resources." That being said, I have taken the figures from the competition and the top 100 ranking and graded it "on a curve" to see which orgs were able to get the most tweets per follower. I had to make a few assumptions:
- Only those organizations in the top 100 are considered, so the 60,342 were split amongst the group. This should not affect the analysis significantly.
- I have applied a smooth distribution of the tweets/votes for the sake of comparison. While this is certainly not how the tweets were split between the 100 organizations, it provides relative data for comparison.
- There is not one institution of higher education in the list. Considering the number of alumni and fans many large institutions have, it is disappointing that none are represented. This is further illustration that higher education institutions are less likely to be recognized by alumni as a non-profit institution (a study we conducted during my tenure at the University of Michigan found that over 70% of recent graduates did not realize the institution was not-for-profit). This also illustrates the difficulty higher education often has in making its case seem in need of urgent support and attention. It could also indicate that the often-bureaucratic environment of higher education management was unable to react in the same nimble fashion other organizations could.
- Twenty - one out of five! - organizations did not have a link to their Twitter account on their org's home page. This needs to be remedied! Some examples of promoting your social-media presence nicely on a home page: VH-1 Save The Music, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Lupus Research Institute and UNICEF.
- The breakdown of the top 100 by category:
- Medical (35 orgs)
- Relief (17)
- Children (14)
- Community (8)
- Animals (7)
- Legal/Justice (5)
- Environment (3)
- Agriculture / LGBTQ / Music / Religious (2 each)
- Camping / Disabilities / Military (1 each)
- The ALS Therapy Development Institute - estimated 32.9 tweets per follower
- Levantando Chile Fund - 22.3 t/f
- American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders - 18.8 t/f
- The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation - 7.0 t/f
- The Pablove Foundation - 4.8 t/f
- teensMAD4Rwanda - 4.78 t/f
- Down Syndrome Association of Orange County - 4.6 t/f
- Thrive Africa - 4.3 t/f
- The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation- 3.9 t/f
- - 2.2 t/f
- Ride for Kids - 2.1 t/f
- Camp Fire USA - 1.8 t/f
- Essilor Vision Foundation - 1.29 t/f
- Drop in the Bucket - 1.28 t/f
- Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure - 1.24 t/f
- Children's Healthcare of Atlanta - 1.23 t/f
- Small Army for a Cause 1.2 t/f
- JJ's List - 1.0 t/f
- LA's BEST - 0.7 t/f
- Dreamcatchers for Abused Children - 0.6 t/f
Obviously you did not have to be a follower of the organization to tweet your vote, but this provides a scale for comparison. So CONGRATULATIONS to all of these organizations for doing a great job getting organized and promoting their efforts... including our "#AmericaWants on the Curve" winner, the ALS Therapy Development Institute - visit their page here:

#AmericaWants Top 100 Charities
1. To Write Love on Her Arms
2. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
5. Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
6. International Justice Mission
7. Human Rights Campaign Foundation
10. NOH8 Campaign
12. Convoy of Hope
13. Muscular Dystrophy Association
14. Feeding America
18. United Way
21. Autism Speaks
23. Rotary
24. THON
25. Camp Fire USA
27. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure
28. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
29. Farm Sanctuary
31. Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases
32. Farm Aid
34. Kids Are Heroes
35. Goodwill
36. Susan G. Komen for the Cure
37. Ronald McDonald House Charities
38. World Vision
41. Thrive Africa
42. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
43. The American Diabetes Association
44. Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child
46. Dreamcatchers for Abused Children
47. The Lymphoma Research Foundation
48. LA's BEST
51. PanCAN (Pancreatic Cancer Action Network)
52. Oxfam America
53. Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation
54. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
56. World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA USA)
57. American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders
59. Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure
60. Break the Cycle: Empower Youth to End Dating Violence
61. Bailey Baio Angel Foundation
62. The Alzheimer's Association
63. DoSomething
65. VH1 Save The Music Foundation
66. WildCare
68. The ALS Therapy Development Institute
71. JJ's List
73. Goodwill Detroit
75. Boys & Girls Clubs of America
76. Ride for Kids
77. The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation
78. Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
79. First Book
80. Friends of the World Food Program
81. AmeriCares
88. WITNESS Inc.
89. Starlight Children's Foundation
90. The Lupus Research Institute
92. The Community FoodBank of New Jersey
93. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
95. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals LA
96. Down Syndrome Association of Orange County
97. Girls Inc of Orange County
99. The Children's Hospital - Denver
100. Surfrider Foundation
American Idol Gives Back...
A few years ago, when Idol started this event, I was impressed with how involved the campaign and event were with MySpace. Given the downward slope of MySpace's importance and the exponential growth of Facebook and Twitter, I am surprised to see very little presence for the Gives Back campaign on either of the latter platforms. There is a brief video buried on the Idol Facebook page that is equally buried in the official Idol Twitter feed. I would suspect we'll see this make some Twitter waves Wednesday evening.
Upon visiting the Gives Back page, I thought social-media may be put to use when I saw the Spread The Word link, but unfortunately this is only for emailing friends. I would think a show like Idol, which certainly makes more money in a year than some countries, they would be further ahead of the times than this.
Are there any lessons here for the average non-profit org? Lesson 1 - create the most popular show in the country and make sure your org is highlighted for giving. On a more serious note, I'll take a look at the case for support each org makes during the show and see what the takeaways are.
Idol Gives Back '10 Designations:
The Children's Health Fund
Founded in 1987 by singer/songwriter Paul Simon and pediatrician/advocate Irwin Redlener, MD, Children's Health Fund (CHF) is the nation's leading pediatric provider of mobile-based health care for homeless and low-income children and their families. CHF's mission is to bring health care directly to those in need through the development and support of innovative medical programs, response to public health crises, and the promotion of guaranteed access to health care for all children. Teams of dedicated medical professionals in CHF's 24 pediatric programs in 15 states and the District of Columbia have brought essential primary care services through more than 2 million patient visits.
Feeding America (...for which Josh Grobon tweeted #AmericaWants support!)
Feeding America provides low-income individuals and families with the fuel to survive and even thrive. As the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our network members supply food to more than 37 million Americans each year, including 14 million children and 3 million seniors. Serving the entire United States, more than 200 member food banks support 61,000 agencies that address hunger in all of its forms.
Malaria No More (Arguably one of the best social-media orgs on the '"interwebs")
Malaria No More is determined to end malaria deaths in Africa. Every 30 seconds, a child in Africa dies of this preventable and treatable disease, but a simple mosquito net can save lives. Malaria No More leverages breakthrough communications, global advocacy and smart investments to reach its goal of providing universal access to malaria interventions by the end of 2010 and ending deaths by 2015. Through the support of IDOL GIVES BACK, Malaria No More has helped millions of families in Africa protect themselves from malaria in Uganda, Zambia, Angola, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In addition, generous sponsorship of IDOL GIVES BACK from ExxonMobil helped Malaria No More strengthen country capacity and improve the delivery and use of malaria interventions in Africa. Together, we can make malaria no more.
Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating real and lasting change for children in need in the United States and around the world. Save the Children's U.S. Programs focus on underserved rural areas, where one in five children lives in poverty. Partnering with schools and community organizations, Save the Children provides high-quality early childhood education services for children from birth to age five as well as literacy, physical activity and nutrition programs for children in kindergarten through eighth grade, benefiting over 52,000 children nationwide. Save the Children's work in the United States also includes emergency preparedness, response and recovery. When a disaster strikes, Save the Children deploys trained teams to help displaced children and families and provide more secure environments. In addition, Save the Children works with local, state and national governments to ensure that the unique needs of children are integral in emergency response plans.
United Nations Foundation
The United Nations Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner's historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation is an advocate for the UN and a platform for connecting people, ideas, and resources to help the United Nations solve global problems. The UN Foundation's work is focused on decreasing child mortality, improving disaster relief, protecting diverse cultures and environments, creating a clean energy future, empowering women and girls and improving U.S.-UN relations.
Twitter Follow Of The Week 4/21
Twitter: @WorldVisionUSA
Name: World Vision USA
Bio: World Vision is a family of over 3 million that help transform the lives of the world's poorest children & families in nearly 100 countries, including the U.S.
Followers: 8,880 + you!
Why Follow? Great organization which does an excellent job thanking supporters via Twitter.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Congratulations #AmericaWants winner!

From Jamie Tworkowski, founder of TWOLHA, as told to USA Today:
We are super excited about it! So much of our mission is communicating. We often say that TWLOHA is an attempt to invite people into an honest conversation. We're talking about issues that millions live with but few talk about, and we're trying to do that in ways that move people, ways that point people to hope and help and let them know they're not alone. With these ideas in mind, we're thrilled to be given this incredible platform.Second place: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (@PETA)
Third place: Teens MAD 4 Rwanda (@teensMAD4Rwanda)
Other quotes from USA Today:
From the folks at PETA:
Huge thanks to everyone who tweeted in support of PETA's campaign to end the Canadian seal slaughter. You are in good company. With everyone from Barack Obama to His Holiness The Dalai Lama having condemned the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth, this campaign just has to succeed eventually. If you'd like the Canadian government to pay attention, please visit to send a message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Remember, club soda, but never club seals. All of us here at PETA would like to thank everyone—including Pink, Pam Anderson, Channing & Jenna Dewan Tatum, Perez Hilton, and Stephanie Pratt—who tweeted to end the bludgeoning of baby seals.
From Tara Gipson on behalf of her students behind teensMAD4Rwanda:
Sadly, USA Today ended their article by saying "that the final wrap-up." - I hope not!!![Ours] is a story of a teacher and her kids trying to make a difference, trying to prove kids matter, that hate must be stopped, that Rwanda and genocide must not be forgotten. We feel blessed by your project as we feel that it allowed those easily silenced by major organizations to be given a chance to sing above an amazing group of worthy charities. We feel that kindness is what we are all about. I believe that win, lose or draw, the lesson I hoped to teach these incredible teens has been taught, the seed of the power of one has been planted in each of them and someday, if not through this contest, those seeds will bloom and change the world.
P.S. @usatoday... I still really want you to consider this idea!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Facebook: Become a Fan vs. Liking a Page

More light has been shown on the privacy issues of Facebook's plan to be your interaction point for everything on the web, not just when you're on Facebook.
UPDATED April 21 @ 1:48PM - highlighted below.
There's been some confusion over what the new interactions between Facebook users and official pages... wherein you "like" a page rather than "become a fan" of the page as had been the case previously.
First, some of the pros & cons of the change, from the non-profit organization point-of-view:

- Greater base of fans (as more "like" you) to view your messages, events and appeals.
- Opportunity to bring fringe fans into your core constituency via case-building tactics.
UPDATE: - A new pro that I've stumbled upon... If you visit a page that you do not manage, you can only see what friends of yours also like the page (plus the six random people shown under the total number of fans). Therefore, you can feel better about the security of your list of fans, as it is only visible to the page admins.

- Does this result in your cause getting lumped into everything else on Facebook, now that your efforts can be liked equally to Danny's status update about going out Friday night?
UPDATE: Starting Wednesday, April 21 new info pages were showing up as users logged in. You can click on the screenshots below for more clarity. One detail to note is that the revenue generating side of the 'become a fan' -> 'like' shift is evident by the final screenshot with corporate partnerships.

Some notes on how to control your privacy settings to avoid such information dissemination:
Visit your privacy settings and note two items: What your friends can share about you and Instant Personalization

These are your decisions. My opinion is that you should opt-out of the personalization and avoid letting your friends share anything about you. If you would like to see what you are sharing use the following link (which will show you the moredonors page settings) and change "moredonors" to your account name in Facebook.
This is what the moredonors page shows:
"id": "312071021304"
"name": "More Donors",
"picture": "",
"link": "",
"category": "Local_professional_services",
"username": "moredonors",
"general_info": "Fundraising consultation that is affordable, donor-centered, data-based and sustainable. Helping you find... more donors.",
"fan_count": 112
And this is what my personal account shows via "id": "2048742",
"name": "Devin Mathias",
"first_name": "Devin",
"last_name": "Mathias"
All of that being said, I do not think this will be an overly-significant change when we look back on it in a few months. As for some of the more specific details on the change, here are comments from the Facebook mothership:Why did "Become a Fan" change to "Like"?
Now that you understand all of that... shouldn't you go
National Volunteer Week, 2010
Need ideas? Visit:
The HandsOn Network / 1-800
Volunteer Match
Sunday, April 18, 2010
What next for USA Today's #AmericaWants campaign?
That's what led me to this suggestion...
If I were USA Today, I would be doing something like this on a more regular basis. Rather than invest as much as they have with a full-page advert in this competition, they could dedicate a smaller, currently non-revenue generating piece of print real estate: The USA Today Snapshot currently resides in the bottom left corner of the front page of each section (News, Money, Sports, Life, Specialty).
I think it is safe to say the majority of USA Today's readers take a look at the "USA Today Snapshots." Why not give a monthly winner the opportunity to give a graphic representation of their cause in that space? Examples:
- The Humane Society could run statistics relative to a current campaign;
- The American Cancer Society could illustrate who/how/why people are impacted by the disease;
- TWLOHA could shed light on depression statistics;
- ...and I'm sure you can think of many other examples.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Through Non-Profit Eyes: Mashable's weekly social-media tools

3) Boosting your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) via a YouTube channel. The basic steps suggested by author Mitchell Harper are:
a) Choose your topics - For non-profits this decision can vary. If you are a service organization you can highlight the service you provide and education can highlight various topics - right? Maybe. The key here is to use topics that will generate traffic and make the case for support. If there are current topics or viral videos that you can respond to and stay on topic, do it. Run the topics by your donors and potential donors to see what impact they would have on support.
b) Record the videos - A decent flip, high-definition camcorder is not that expensive any longer. You can then edit your videos and load them to YouTube. If you need guidance on video-editing software, PC Magazine has a nice page with reviews and pricing.
c) Optimize for VSEO - Not unlike tagging blog postings and photos, YouTube videos can be tagged. The title, description and tags are where you generate search engine results. If you can repeat key terms multiple times in the title, it will help your search scores. Harper uses the following example:
Let’s say your company sells shoes and you just recorded and uploaded a video about “casual sneakers.” You want to use the phrase in the title twice to maximize SEO impact –- once at the front and once at the end, like this: “Casual Sneakers — How to Choose Casual Sneakers 101.”In the description, you should always include a link at the beginning back to your website. It should be followed by a short description of the video and the benefits of watching it. Be sure to use words that will be commonly searched for by your audience. In the example above that may be run, jog and shoes.
As for tags, Harper hits the nail on the head:
Finally, for tags, repeat your key phrase and common variants. Similar to website SEO, stick to 10-15 phrases. For phrases with more than one word, make sure you enclose them in double quotes, like this: “casual sneakers,” sneakers, shoes, “jogging shoes,” “walking shoes,” “men’s shoes,” casual-sneakers.d) Build a Base of Viewers - Obviously, post to Facebook & Twitter and link to the video whenever and wherever appropriate. Tag prominent users, donors, and fans that will be able to share/retweet to large audiences. If you have any celebrity followers get them involved (if appropriate)... and by celebrity, I don't mean Paris Hilton has to be a fan of the local SPCA... Consider "proportional celebrities." If you're a community foundation in a college town, can you get the mayor and college president to post/tweet about it?
You can also use your video as a reply to other popular videos. As Harper notes: YouTube for the exact phrase you want to rank for (in this example, “casual sneakers”). Click on each video that comes up and post your new video as a “video reply” to those.
4) Profile Picture tips - Let's take a look at these profile pictures first, as examples. You may want to click on the image so you can get a better look. Note - these are all university or college profile pictures for the respective institution's official Facebook page.
Other tips for the profile picture:
a) Use a high quality image.
b) Be consistent across all social-media (Visit Malaria No More and their social-media pages for a great example of consistency).
c) Know the dimensions. Each channel has different restrictions - use those dimensions to your advantage. For example, the tall and skinny picture for Facebook works well for exposure (see Baylor profile pic above) , where as the short and wide version will suffer (see the top right profile pic above).
- Facebook: Use a .JPG and make your picture exactly 200 pixels wide so Facebook does not manipulate the image. The thumbnail will be a 110X200 zoom on your profile picture - keep this in mind when selecting/designing your profile picture.
- Twitter: Use a square .PNG image. It will be shrunk to a 73X73 image, but you'll want to make sure it is at least 250X250 in case users/followers click on the image to check it out in detail.
- YouTube: Use a square .JPG image. It must look good at 88X88 and 60X60 - make sure it looks good at both and then load the 88X88 version. (if you do not use .JPG, it will be converted and may not look as nice)
- Flickr: Use a 48x48 .JPG.
- Google Buzz: Use a high-quality, square .JPG. that looks good when scaled to 45X45.
- LinkedIn: Use a .JPG - one that is 80X80 for the profile picture and 100X35 for a company/org page (...which I think are odd dimensions, LinkedIn brass... but that's a rant for another day).
Other useful links from the week in Mashable:
Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube
Small Companies Engaging Reporters
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Update on #AmericaWants campaign

UPDATE Thursday 4/22 @ 9:46AM: See this analysis and post on grading the #AmericaWants participants "on a curve."
UPDATE Wednesday, 4/21 @ 2:46PM: The list of the top 100 charities (in terms of the number of #AmericaWants tweets) has been released by USA Today after some prodding!
UPDATE Tuesday 8:23PM: To Write Love On Her Arms, aka @TWLOHA, has won the full-page advertisement in USA Today - congratulations to TWLOHA and all that participated in the #AmericaWants campaign. To all the organizations that did not win the ad - I have to think this was beneficial in terms of awareness if nothing else. I hope USA Today considers my suggestion (or others) for how to build upon this...
From Jamie Tworkowski, founder of TWOLHA, as told to USA Today:
We are super excited about it! So much of our mission is communicating. We often say that TWLOHA is an attempt to invite people into an honest conversation. We're talking about issues that millions live with but few talk about, and we're trying to do that in ways that move people, ways that point people to hope and help and let them know they're not alone. With these ideas in mind, we're thrilled to be given this incredible platform.Second place: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (@PETA)
Third place: Teens MAD 4 Rwanda (@teensMAD4Rwanda)
Other quotes from USA Today:
From the folks at PETA:
Huge thanks to everyone who tweeted in support of PETA's campaign to end the Canadian seal slaughter. You are in good company. With everyone from Barack Obama to His Holiness The Dalai Lama having condemned the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth, this campaign just has to succeed eventually. If you'd like the Canadian government to pay attention, please visit to send a message to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Remember, club soda, but never club seals. All of us here at PETA would like to thank everyone—including Pink, Pam Anderson, Channing & Jenna Dewan Tatum, Perez Hilton, and Stephanie Pratt—who tweeted to end the bludgeoning of baby seals.
From Tara Gipson on behalf of her students behind teensMAD4Rwanda:
Sadly, USA Today ended their article by saying "that the final wrap-up." - I hope not!!![Ours] is a story of a teacher and her kids trying to make a difference, trying to prove kids matter, that hate must be stopped, that Rwanda and genocide must not be forgotten. We feel blessed by your project as we feel that it allowed those easily silenced by major organizations to be given a chance to sing above an amazing group of worthy charities. We feel that kindness is what we are all about. I believe that win, lose or draw, the lesson I hoped to teach these incredible teens has been taught, the seed of the power of one has been planted in each of them and someday, if not through this contest, those seeds will bloom and change the world.
P.S. @usatoday... I still really want you to consider the snapshot idea below!
UPDATE Sunday 8:42PM: The final tally on total tweets for charities in the #AmericaWants campaign: 60,342. That equals a little less than 629 tweets/hour throughout the entire campaign of 96 hours. I actually find that number to be a little bit disappointing... but it sets the table for future success.
If I were USA Today, I would be doing something like this on a more regular basis. I'm sure giving away $189K of free advertising isn't easy on the newspaper, but the goodwill they received from this has to have some value as well. Maybe a 1/4 page ad giveaway? Even better... I think it is safe to say the majority of USA Today's readers take a look at the "USA Today Snapshots" - the colorful graphics in the lower-left corner of each section. Why not give a monthly winner that real-estate? Humane Society could run statistics relative to a current campaign, American Cancer Society on people impacted by the disease, TWLOHA on depression/suicide, etc. ... it would be a win-win at a much lower cost for USA Today. It could have a tag that... Okay, that's enough brainstorming-while-blogging. Here's what I stepped away and came up with as an example:
UPDATE Saturday 8:09AM: A static trendistic chart of the #AmericaWants trending this week... Interesting experiment into Twitter, philanthropy and social interactions.
UPDATE Saturday 7:52AM: USA Today says it will tally results this weekend (which will take some work to figure out all the different ways NPOs names could have been represented). A winner will be announced "early next week."
charity:water created an ad for USA Today which they used to promote their efforts, whether or not they win. I think it was genius to do this... but I thought the ad could have included a reference to how important their campaign is and that this fact is illustrated by having won the #AmericaWants campaign.
USA Today made note of some of the prominent charities showing up in the campaign and list the following: Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Convey of Hope, United Way, Human Rights Campaign, A Home in Haiti, Boy Scouts of America and The Humane Society. Granted, USA Today has inside access to the results, but I'm surprised they did not include some of the other seemingly more common charities like PETA, International Justice Mission, the Moyer Foundation, To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) and Alex's Lemonade Stand.
This raises another question - will USA Today give us full results or just tell us who the winner is? I hope it's the former!
One of the most common mentions of the hashtag now is that @thatdrew thought the campaign is "just dope."
Apparently a UCLA professor is going to feature the campaign in her social media course this week - I'll try to get an interview with her later this week.
UPDATE Saturday 12:02AM: Congrats to all for the effort put forth the good, creative and passionate efforts in the #AmericaWants campaign. During the final five minutes there were 1,003 tweets with the #AmericaWants hashtag... not bad. More analysis, interviews and thoughts on this campaign to come...
Per @usatoday - "The #AmericaWants campaign has ended. Congratulations to all for your hard work. We'll announce recipent next week."
UPDATE Friday 11:51PM: 8 minutes left - good luck to all the participating organizations! Even those that don't win the advertisement certainly have received some great free publicity via the #AmericaWants campaign. Kudos USA Today.
UPDATE Friday 11:09PM: A couple things of note as we are inside the last hour (tweets must be in by 11:59PM Eastern to count):
1) USA Today reports over 50,000 tweets for the campaign as of 6:37pm Friday.
2) As a teaser for the post-#AmericaWants campaign world... I have some feelers out already for related interviews on how this impacted organizations, whether or not they won.
3) USA Today also notes some celebrities who have gotten involved that I had not noted (and some I had). I've added the charities-of-choice below:
Willie Nelson
Joe Trippi
Alyssa Milano
Pamela Anderson
Perez Hilton
Channing Tatum
Taylor Lautner
MC Hammer
Khloe Kardashian
Operation Homefront
Heidi Montag
Spencer Pratt
Eva Longoria
Josh Groban
UPDATE Friday 10:14PM: A lot of pick up in the #AmericaWants tweets as the homestretch is upon us... I do still see the same names showing up most regularly. Here are some trend graphs on the most common NPOs showing up. These are dynamic and have relative scales - make sure to make note of what's on the Y-axis for the sake of comparison.
UPDATE Friday 7:22PM: Not much time left - just over 4.5 hours... Who will win? Likely between @PETA, @moyerfoundation, @AlexsLemonade, @IMJHQ, @TWLOHA... United Way and Susan G. Komen seem to have lost steam since Tuesday. Remember the abuse I mentioned? Here you go:
ArsenalZone @shaldane apparently this place is offering a free iPad :URL REMOVED #americawantsUGH. Anyway - USE COMMENTS and give us your thoughts and ideas and best practices!
UPDATE Friday 2:20PM: A creative giveaway from @PETA associated with the campaign... those that tweeted their support for @PETA in the #AmericaWants campaign had a chance to win a gift:
@PETA tweets:
Shortly thereafter, Alex's Lemondade Stand Foundatin did something similar:I'm going 2 pick my 1st seal plush winner in 5 mins! #AmericaWants @PETA 2 get a full-page ad in USA TODAY 2 stop Canadian seal slaughter!
1st/3 winners is @AngieSanfiel! :) Keep RT'ing tweeps. #AmericaWants @PETA 2 get a full-page ad in USA TODAY 2 stop Canadian seal slaughter!
10 min til we announce 1st tshirt winner! RT for your chance 2 win: #AmericaWants @AlexsLemonade 2 get a full-page ad in USA TODAY.Good incorporation of something fun into the campaign. I'm trying to do some trending for both to see if there were spikes in their tweet trends during these giveaways.
Congrats @tishhearne! 1 of 2 ALSF tshirt winners! RT 4 ur chance! #AmericaWants @AlexsLemonade to get a full-page ad in USA TODAY. Plz RT!
Others showing up in the trends:
@FWMORG - Free Wheelchair Mission - Provides wheelchairs at no cost to some of the world's most forgotten.
@rotary - Rotary International - An organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, & community leaders.
And Josh Groban (@joshgroban) has gotten into the celebrity swing of things with support for @Feeding America, while Kristie Alley has joined the @PETA crusade!
One last note... when do you know your efforts have made it? When someone tries to use it to take advantage of others, of course! I've seen a handful of phishing / spam messages on Twitter using#AmericaWants as a hashtag just seduce people to follow a bad link. Beware!
UPDATE Friday 12.13PM: Some of the momentum of the overall #AmericaWants campaign slowed down overnight... no surprise. The real question? Can the campaign pick up steam again today during the homestretch?
A lot of the same names showing up - @moyerfoundation, @IMJHQ, @TWLOHA, and @AlexsLemonade. Thanks to USA Today for noting the updates here on their @USATMediaLounge feed and @IMJHQ for including us in their press release @ PR Web.
Some of the new names appearing more often include:
@charitywater - charity:water - a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations.
@campfireusa2010 - Campfire USA 2010 - Celebrating 100 years of Camp Fire in 2010! Past, present and future Camp Fire boys, girls, teens, staff, partners, volunteers, supporters, alumni welcome.
@HumaneSociety - Humane Society of the United States - Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty... all day, every day!
UPDATE 10:22 Eastern: So PETA is still doing well (in part thanks to the celebs), but others are starting to show up... and I mean both the charities and the celebs. Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) has posted support for @Global_Network, the Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases. @EvaLongoria posted her support for And @KhloeKardashian was kind enough to (again) show her support for @THON, Penn State's Dance Marathon.
I'm kind of surprised that someone like Lance Armstrong hasn't posted anything re: his foundation... and nothing from those like Paris Hilton who seem to latch on to such opportunities to be a celebrity for no reason at all ;)
Otherwise, keep an eye on the widget to your right - appropriately titled "More Donors Keeps An Eye on: #America Wants" to see some of these causes and the latest-and-greatest to be tweeted.
@NOH8Campaign - The NOH8 Campaign - the fight to end hate.
@teensmad4rwanda - Teens Mad 4 Rwanda - Goal: 1 Million Tweets in 100 Days for the forgotten Rwandan victims of genocide, 1 Million Comments of remembrance left on our online memorial, and 1 Hope to build the first American Rwandan Memorial & Education Center Against Hate
UPDATE 3:41PM Eastern: Whoaaa..... PETA! You can take a look at the live search feed for #AmericaWants in the right column and see if it is still true, but PETA has been showing up consistently lately. The combination of 562,500 Facebook fans, 62,578 followers on Twitter and the urgency of their current campaign to stop the seal slaughter seems to equal a good chance PETA wins this competition. They have also been using the phrase "What if one tweet could save one seal?" and have the celebrity support of Pink (@Pink), Pamela Anderson (@PamelaDAnderson) and Perez Hilton (@PerezHilton) There are still 32+ hours left int he competition, so we'll see if the PETA momentum continues. See the PETA blog posting re: #AmericaWants and the potential bludgeoning of 388,200 seals in Canada here.
Others seeing some love?
@OfficialLove146 - Love 146 - The vision of Love 146 is the abolition of child sex slavery and exploitation. Nothing less.
@Op_Homefront - Operation Homefront - Supporting our troops, helping the families they leave behind and wounded warriors when they return home.
UPDATE 1:10PM Eastern: Mostly the same names floating by in the #AmericaWants threads, so I thought I would highlight some of the less-mentioned names for the sake of spreading the love. That, after all, is one of the best things that can come from the #Americawants campaign.
MDANews - Muscular Dystrophy Association - Obviously the MDA is not a small NPO, but it hasn't been mentioned as much on #AmericaWants. If you're not familiar with them, MDA is a health org fighting neuromuscular diseases including ALS.
Cookies4kids / GladtoGive - Cookies for Kids' Cancer - ...was founded by a mom inspired by her son's fight against cancer. Cookies for Kids' Cancer is committed to raising funds to support research for new and improved therapies for pediatric cancer. Through the concept of local bake sales, Cookies for Kids' Cancer will provide the inspiration and support for people like you to help children win their fight against cancer.
IJMHQ - International Justice Mission - a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local officials to ensure immediate victim rescue and aftercare, to prosecute perpetrators and to promote functioning public justice systems.
UPDATE 11:37AM Eastern: As you can see from the trend graph, #AmericaWants is picking up steam, but still not trending as significantly as I would have expected (the current top ten trends: #nowplaying, #welcometoNigeria, #OhJustLikeMe, #youbigdummy, #TheresNothingLike, Glee, Justin Bieber, #ihatequotes, Dear Iceland, and Tax Day)
The new names showing up in the #AmericaWants campaign with more regularity:
@moyerfoundation - The Moyer Foundation - Creates and funds programs helping children in physical, emotional or financial distress including Camp Erin, grief camps for children.
@AlexsLemonade - Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation -Fighting Childhood Cancer, One Cup at a Time.Follow ALSF for news about childhood cancer and some stories about the over 100,000 people helping in the battle. (FYI - this is a great organization and they do very well with online & social-media efforts!)
Original Post: The campaign continues and more charities are getting the re-tweets rolling... most by begging for them from followers. Have you seen any more creative ways to promote the campaign? Recent charities showing up regularly in the #AmericaWants thread are:
@TWLOHA - To Write Love on Her Arms - a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide.
@peta - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
TWLOHA also has an interesting blog post titled "What Would You Say to Four Million People?" as a way to discuss and promote their #AmericaWants efforts. Continue following the trend chart below for #AmericaWants.