A sample of blogs I try to pay attention to... The blog name is a link to the blog, whereas the author's name is a link to the respective Twitter accounts. Let me know of any suggestions for others or of any issues with links, etc.
A. Fine Blog - From Allison Fine, co-author of The Networked Nonprofit, this blog a look at social change and social media. Very useful information.
Advancing Impact - Fellow Penn Stater Jen Price provides useful nonprofit insights.
Adventures In Philanthropy - Estrella Rosenberg's blog about many different topics and resources for the nonprofit community.
Beth's Blog - From Beth Kanter, the other co-author of The Networked Nonprofit, this blog is one of the preeminent nonprofit blogs on the planet.
Charity Ideas - From Amy Neumann, this one is just getting off the ground, but I have faith it will be worth following.
Future Fundraising Now - From Jeff Brooks, creative director at True Sense Marketing, this blog provides good fundraising commentary.
Geoff Livingston's Blog - Geoff is co-founder of Zoetica, an award winning author and a recognized blogger. He also is doing excellent work on behalf of the efforts to clean the Gulf of Mexico.
Getting To The Point - Katya Andreson's blog with regular statistics and thoughts on non-profit marketing. Katya is author of the book Robin Hood Marketing.
Have Fun, Do Good - From Oakland, California's Britt Bravo, this blog illustrates ways that having fun, doing good and fulfilling a world vision can come together.
Kivi's Nonprofit Marketing Blog - Kivi Leroux Miller's blog, this builds upon the helpful information in her book The Nonprofit Marketing Guide.
My Nonprofit Experience - A relatively young blog compared to the others on this list, but still full of useful information and perspective, courtesy of Madelyn Anetrella.
Nonprofit Tech 2.0 - From the popular Nonprofit Orgs page, this is a collection of news, insights and best practice suggestions.
NTEN blog - The Nonprofit Technology Network's entry into the blogosphere. Usually has information about social media tools and websites before other sources.
Pamela's Grantwriting Blog - Not surprisingly, this is a blog about writing grants... by Pamela. Pamela Grow, that is.
The Red Cross Blog - Maintained by Wendy Harman, this blog is a great example of a nonprofit using blogs successfully.
A Small Change - A blog on general fundraising topics published by Jason Dick.