So what have non-profits done to garner support in recognition of moms? Some great examples are below. charity:water and Epic Change have been at the forefront of using social media for non-profit efforts for some time - no surprise to see them here!
Epic Change: To Mama With Love
Nice tool to easily recognize and share your love & thankfulness for your mother/spouse while making a gift to Epic Change. Per the site:
To Mama With Love is a collaborative online art project that honors moms across the globe and raises funds to invest in one remarkable Mama who dreams of building a home for children in her village. Funds raised will be invested in support of Mama Lucy Kamptoni, a remarkable grassroots changemaker in Tanzania who once sold chickens and used her income to build a primary school that now provides a high-quality education to over 400 children in Arusha. Her next goal, which To Mama With Love seeks to fund, is to build a boarding facility on campus so that every child who attends her school has a place to call home. To Mama With Love is a project of US 501c3 nonprofit Epic Change.I did this for my wife and appreciated the simplicity of the site and ease with which I could share the info. Here are some examples:
First, the page where you make your gift appears - good practice to do this first rather than later... when people may change their mind about giving.
Twitter example:
Live blog sample:
The "heart space" with further giving and sharing potential:
The charity:water example is rather simple, but elegant. They are offering e-cards with a donation to their efforts. Their efforts and your donation support:
Right now, almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. That’s one in eight of us.First you select a card - selection screen and two e-card samples follow:
charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to people in developing nations. We use 100% of public donations to directly fund sustainable water solutions in areas of greatest need. Just $20 can give one person clean water for 20 years.
While it may be too late to tackle a quality Mother's Day campaign like these... have you looked ahead on the calendar?
May 11: "Eat What You Want Day" - maybe good for healthy and vegan/vegetarian efforts?
May 12: "Donate a Day's Wages Day" - maybe good for... everyone!
May 15: "International Family Day"
May 16 : "National Sea Monkey Day" ... I've got nothing for charity ideas here (Though maybe an ape/monkey/ocean group could have fun with it)... I really just found it humorous and decided to share!
May 17: "World Hypertension Day"
May 21: "National Bike-to-Work Day" and "National Endangered Species Day"
May 22: "National Maritime Day"
That's just a sample of the next two weeks, which I realize may be too late for you to mobilize a campaign around... but there are endless possibilities in the lesser-known holidays for fun, educational and successful campaigns. I'll post a complete list of potentially useful (and maybe a few oddholidays as soon as I can compile the list.
As I started, I shall end: Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!
1 comment:
Gotta love all the mamas out there!
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