Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Planning Ahead - April & May Holidays Your #Nonprofit Can Use

    As many of you know, there is a page on this blog dedicated to holidays nonprofit organizations may be able to use for creative awareness or fundraising campaigns or internal management - such as getting your volunteers and team behind National Volunteer Week (April 10-16). Or you could get your staff to take part in National Card and Letter Writing Month, writing to donors. And I'd love to see an organization embrace National Inspirational News Week as a way to kickoff a program that regularly illustrates the positive impact the organization has.

    In May, highlights include Donate-A-Day's-Wages Day, International Museum Day, National New Friends, Old Friends Week (Good for using on Facebook?) and Teacher Appreciation Week. If you have any doubts about that last one, make sure you watch this video recently shared with me by Heidi Ketrosey Massey:

    So here are some April & May holidays you can use. If you're interested in planning further ahead or reviewing some of the guidelines on making these holiday campaigns successful for your organization, make sure to visit the original page.

    Here's a quick snapshot of some of April's holidays you may be able to use:

    Adult Autism Day
    April Fools or All Fools Day
    Arbor Day
    Autism Awareness Month
    Cancer Control Month
    Child Abuse Prevention Month
    Earth Day
    Every Day is Earth Day
    Global Child Nutrition Month
    Golden Rule Week
    Jazz Appreciation Month
    National & Global Youth Service Days
    National Card and Letter Writing Month
    National Child Abuse Prevention Month
    National Environmental Week
    National Garden Month
    National Go Birding Day
    National Inspirational News Week
    National Love Our Children Day
    National Networking Week
    National Park Week
    National Parkinson's Awareness Month
    National Public Health Week
    National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
    National Volunteer Week
    National Week of the Ocean
    Physical Wellness Month
    Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
    School Library Media Month
    Testicular Cancer Awareness Week
    World Autism Day
    World Habitat Awareness Month
    World Health Day
    World Hemophilia Day
    World Parkinson's Disease Day

    And here's a look at some of May's holidays you may be able to use:

    ALS Awareness Month
    American Wetlands Month
    Arthritis Awareness Month
    Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
    Be Kind To Animals Week
    Birthmother's Day (Saturday before Mother's Day)
    Brain Tumor Awareness Month
    Childhood Depression Awareness Day
    Children's Book Week
    Children's Mental Health Awareness Day
    Children's Mental Health Week
    Clean Air Month
    Donate A Day's Wages To Charity
    Drinking Water Week
    EcoDriving Month
    Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
    Go Fetch! Food Drive for Homeless Animals Month
    Heal the Children Month
    International Day of Families
    International Jazz Day
    International Migratory Bird Day
    International Museum Day
    Letter Carrier's Food Drive Day
    Loyalty Day
    Lupus Awareness Month
    Memorial Day
    Mother Ocean Day
    Mother's Day
    National Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month
    National Anxiety & Depression Awareness Week
    National Bike to Work Day
    National Bike to Work Week
    National Dance Day
    National Endangered Species Day
    National Family Week
    National Hepatitis Awareness Month
    National Hug Holiday Week
    National Mental Health Month
    National New Friends, Old Friends Week
    National Pet Week
    National Photo Month
    National Physical Fitness & Sports Month
    National Preservation Month
    National Smile Month
    National Stroke Awareness Month
    National Teacher Day
    National Wildflower Week
    National Women's Health Week
    Neighbor Day
    Personal History Month
    Reading is Fun Week
    Teacher Appreciation Week
    Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month
    Women's Health Care Month
    World Asthma Day
    World Fair Trade Day
    World Hypertension Day
    World Turtle Day
    Young Achievers of Tomorrow Month

    Related posts, by topic:


    Budget Holidays said...

    First of all Nice Post! How in the world did you find all these holidays??
    I did a check up on a random one - Eco Driving month (as I'm all about Green :) ), and It is on may.... Didn't have any idea its "official" .
    Great stuff! Thanks a lot.
    With the world going crazy as it is right now, with world wide demonstrations and a strange vibe all over the globe, many NGO's are taking their first steps and ideas like this can help them fuel things up. God knows how much energy it takes to run a cause.
    Thanks for the lists!

    Ethel said...

    It is my great pleasure to visit your website and to enjoy your excellent post here. I like that very much.

    health500 said...

    My child is doing a research on medieval & renaissance Europe. She needs to write on the role of the church, arts & architecture, Education & Holidays, Monks, Nuns & mendicants. We do not seem to be able to get much inform on education esp. on list of holidays. Pls help.

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